
Andrew Walls
Andrew Walls

Andrew is a full time resident of Palm Desert who actually hikes during the summer! Andrew is an avid hiker and backpacker who can be found strolling on and off trails throughout the Coachella Valley, Joshua Tree NP and Grand Canyon NP. In addition to his participation in CVHC activities, Andrew is a Certified California Naturalist and a hike leader with Friends of the Desert Mountains. Prior to moving to the CV in 2017, Andrew was a team leader with the Nevada County Sheriff's Search and Rescue team in Northern California.


La Quinta Cove
La Quinta Cove



Feb 03 2024


7:00 AM - 5:30 PM


Extremely Difficult Hike,
Pace of Hike: Fast


One of the epic journeys in the desert, Guadalupe is a dawn-to-dusk hike this time of the year. This is the ultimate hike for the hardcore hiker in the Coachella Valley! This 14 mile trail/route begins in La Quinta Cove on the Boo Hof and then climbs relentlessly up the Guadalupe trail until it reaches the Horse Thief trail and exits at Hwy 74 at Pinyon Flats. We will climb 4500 feet above La Quinta, passing by the collapsed cabin and artifacts at Cowboy Camp (where we eat lunch) through dense brush via trails and routes that require solid navigation skills and an ability to read the terrain.

The terrain is steep and rocky with dense brush obscuring the route. Once we reach the saddle at 4833 foot elevation (4500 feet up in 7.5 miles), we are lulled into a false sense of accomplishment as the trail levels out and even goes downhill a bit. Then the trail slaps us awake with more climbing through tight washes and over crumbling ridges to our exit at the Pinyon Flat transfer station.

A successful hike on this route demands preparation – fitness, mental stamina (this is a marathon, not a sprint), gear (the ten essentials are, well, essential) and good teamwork to keep everyone moving forward. Although no rock climbing or bouldering is involved, the trail surface is rugged and sloping in all directions. We will scramble through dense brush and washes crowded with trees and bushes. A shuttle is required and long sleeves and pants are recommended to protect skin from the plentiful vegetation.

Due to the short amount of daylight available this time of year, we will start early so we can finish before sundown. It will be COLD up top. Bring layers to take off and put on to keep yourself comfortable as the temperature fluctuates.

There are no bail-outs on this remote, tough, one-way event. If you aren’t doing the 1/2 Tram hike because it’s too hard, this hike is not for you.

We allow eight hours to hike the 13.9 mile trail (1.7 mph). This hike requires a shuttle. We will leave one or more vehicles (depending on number of hikers) and then drive to LQC for the start. Please let me know if you can support the shuttle by leaving a vehicle at the Pinyon Pines parking area.

Essential gear for this trail:

  • Headlamp with plenty of power (spare batteries)
  • Hiking poles
  • Shoes/boots with good tread
  • Layers of clothing (it gets cooler as we go up!)
  • Long pants are recommended as much of the trail is overgrown. Lots of scratches!
  • Food (lunch, snacks, emergency dinner)
  • Water- 3 liters (it is 12 miles to the first water source)
  • Navigation gear (compass, topo map, GPS, etc.) Leader will handle most route finding

This is an epic hike. The challenges are intense and the scenery is delightful. The trail between Boo Hoff and Cactus Springs is eroded, overgrown. and tricky to navigate. Come prepared to work hard and have a memorable experience!

The plan is to set up the shuttle and be at the LQC parking lot (Eastern lot) to start walking by 07:30.

13.9 Miles with Elevation gain 4,500 ft (5400 cumulative) and 1,741 feet of downhill. Map available here:

Please email Andrew to sign up for this hike and include your phone number.

HIKE LEADER: Andrew Walls

HIKE LOCATOR: La Quinta Cove

HIKE DIFFICULTY: Extremely Strenuous

HIKE DATE/TIME: Saturday, February 3, 2024  07:00-17:00

Note: You must be a current CVHC member to hike with the club!   Join Now!