Randall Henderson Trail
Thanks to Andrew Walls for this great write-up. If you are just getting back to the Desert as i am – this is a good one to kick-start and re-acclimate.This gentle hike is one of the most popular trails in the Coachella Valley. The Randall Henderson trail is an easy 2.5 mile loop rising 430 feet to a great view to the northwest. The trail is well marked and passes through washes, over ridges and along an old roadbed. Although there are a few moderately steep sections, there are no boulders to hop or dry waterfalls to surmount. The Visitors Center for the Santa Rosa San Jacinto Mountains National Monument is right next to the parking lot and is worth a visit after the hike (buy a T-shirt!).
This is an easy trail with a good trail surface with a few rocks here and there. We will meet in the parking area where the trail begins. The parking area is on the east side of Hwy 74 south of Palm Desert. See a roadmap here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/nhnyL4AyXRFzPgEJ8
The walk will take 1.0to 1.5 hours and we will have plenty of time to discuss the wide variety of desert plants, animals and geological formations which we will encounter along the trail.
Trail map available here: https://caltopo.com/m/777TG
Please email Shirl to sign up for this hike and include your phone number.
HIKE LEADER: Shirl Donahue
HIKE DATE/TIME: Monday, October 21th 8am
Note: You must be a current CVHC member to hike with the club! Join Now!